Finland, reindeers and driving
I strongly doubt that there's anybody left reading my blog. My blog has never been updated on a daily basis, but I think that I've taken it so far that this can't barely be called a blog anymore, due to the low activity from my side.
So well, I've been almost three weeks in Finland and well, it has been hot..After all the rain in Groningen, it has been good to see the sun. I've never really been a sunbathing person, but lately I've been sitting in our yard reading books and doing I started working last week and strangely, it doesn't feel too bad being back in R kiosk. I feel like it's a place where the challenges never stop, yet again, I feel like I'm good at what I do:)
For five days, 1-5th August, I went for a crazy road trip with three lovely friends of mine, Laura, Inari and Emma. I had my doubts concerning whether we'll make it all the way to Inari (very vewry much up north in Finland) Well, those doubts were proved wrong. We drove most of the days from 9 in the morning till 18 n the evening. Made stops, made unwilling stops(because of reindeer!! on the roads). Discussed passionately about various topics, read Cosmopolitans, listened to music, did crosswords, had fun with our souvenirs:) All in all, I must say that traveling with your friends locked trapped in one car is far more fun than doing the same thing with your family.
We stayed over the nigths at friends and relatives places, so we ended up not having to pay for a single nights accomodation.yay, good for me. My expenses this summer have been tremendous due to my trips to Brussels, Prague and with no income...not good.
This week I'm doing my drivers' licence 2nd phase(yes, in Finland you got to do a 2nd phase within two years after having got your drivers' licence...first then it becomes a permanent licence) I didn't drive once in the Netherlands and here in Finland I only drove during our road trip...Tomorrow we'll be a great challenge for me, to drive around with my dad's van for several hours..argh. yep, I haven't really got round to start liking to drive.
A part from these activities, I'm already looking forward to starting Hanken again and meeting all the new exchange's going to be off the hook! 'Till that I'll do shifts in Rkiosk and hang out with my friends<3
That's all for now, got to go to work. I'll post more impressions and pics on a post, very soon. I promise!
Yay, en oppdatering! Jeg er en lojal leser vettu, skal mer enn litt lite blogging for å skremme meg vekk! Håper du har hatt en flott sommer snuppa, snakkes snart!
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