la vie d'Anna

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Exams and the OC

In a way I feel like I'm running out of ideas how to spice up my blog. Got any suggestions?
yeah yeah, I'll publish some new photos soon:)

At the moment, I'm trying to focus on my International Business Law, the exam (mainly consisting of multiple choice questions) is on Tuesday and I do want to avoid the feeling of stupidity. The feeling you have when you (after answering the questions you think you know the answer for) start staring at the walls, preferably out of the window, realise that the guy in front of you is writing non-stop, like the girl next to you as well. So now I'm doing my best to avoid this kind of situation where fairytale creating, instead of straight facts, seems to be necessary.

Haha...I can share with you a couple of funny quotes, which show the directness of the Dutch people.
a guide in a Cheesefarm, named Hani, in her 50's, for our international group:
H: So where do you come from?
H: Bonjour! other countries?
-Germany, Sweden etc. etc. (everytime she knew smth in the language of the country..until)
H:[stops to think] oh, you're black!

Another situation, in Dutch communication class, whenever we answer questions, the teacher often asks where we come from. A white guy with dreadlocks answers one questions and teacher says:

"So where you from, I guess it's not Jamaica?"

I want to emphasise that the Dutch really don't mean anything bad about this non-politic correctiviness. They just speak out what they think and pops into their mind and that's it.

Oh, I guess I haven't told you about how I failed my Politics and Government in the EU- course:( Got a 5 and you need to have 5.5 as a grade to pass. Am mostly pissed off at myself, should've studied more, 'cause the questions were more demanding than I expected. Now the retake is on 6th July, I migth have another exam on the same day, so it suckssssss...
Well, I really hope that my exam in Quality Management is through. No matter what, I do need to gain 30 ECTS got to be more focused

Yesterday, I watched the last episode of the OC ever. I felt really down afterwards, almost like closing a book you wished never ended. Though the quality of the programme sank after Marissa's death, I still did consider Orange County as a parallell universe. Sanna, don't worry, I wont reveal any details about the last episode here:) It's funny how attached you can get to some tv series like that!

But now, I got to continue reading about the breaches of contract, Intellectual Property Rights etc. I'll treat you with a long and sensible entry after my exam is done:)

Sunday hugs


Blogger Siri said...

Lykke til på eksamen! Det går nok bra skal du se :) Kjenner veldig godt den følelsen av å bare sitte der mens alle andre skriver som fy... tres ubehagelig. xxxxx

8:21 AM  

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