BLING BLING and other glamorous events

Oh, uploading pictures to Blogspot is so slow, I assume because of the size of the pictures.
Therefore, I would encourage you to have a look on the pictures, that my friend Lexane has put on her blog. There are several pages with pics, so keep on checking them, 'till you see people dressed in a tasteless manner:) the address is:
(btw; Lexane I hope you don't mind me sharing your pics with some of my friends?!) There are also photos to find on facebook, I tagged myself a zillion times. So thank you Axel and Lexane for providing me with pics:)
So yessss..the party on Saturday, 16th June was off the hook! I went to Axel's place already at 14 o'closk to help with the preparations. As stated on my previous post, we did spend already hours after hours earlier that week, looking for costumes, decorations and food to serve. So well, we had a lot of fun while doing the decorations on Saturday. Who knew that making euro and dollar signs out of golden paper would be so rewarding;)
Around 20:30 the first guest started arriving and we of course greeted them in true extravagant style, kisses on the cheek and a fruity welcome drink. We had a nice bunch of people there and the R'n'B/hiphop music on the background kept everyone in the right mood.
Around 20:30 the first guest started arriving and we of course greeted them in true extravagant style, kisses on the cheek and a fruity welcome drink. We had a nice bunch of people there and the R'n'B/hiphop music on the background kept everyone in the right mood.
As we emptied one wine bottle after another, we played a game. In the game where everyone got a note with a name of a person/object/thing and then you got it on your forehead. By asking yes/no questions you needed to find out who or what you are. It was very much fun, since I never seemed to remember my previous questions(so is she blonde or not?brown-haired? or try to decide whether being a queen is a sexy profession?)
After 1 'oclock we headed for the bar, Shadrak. And believe it or not, me, Axel and Riley took the major step and climbed to the pole that is located in the middle of the dancefloor. We stayed there for like 30 seconds, but it was fun for that..LOL..We did also dance in a normal manner on the dancefloor, so no worries. I slept over at Axel's place, since in the morning there was a bit to clean up after the party.
Since the bling bling party was also sort of our bday party (and well, it turned out that Tamuna, Axel's housemate, had hers on the 15th June, so she was allowed to celebrate with us:) We got some very nice gifts. Bath duck, cute little pig, a sun hat, a flower that sings happy bday, and a gorgeous frame with pics from the exchange spring. Thank you all! I really appreciate it, although my suitcase doesn't:)
oh oh oh...big news. On the exam concerning Communication in and about the Netherlands, I got 9.5 and my final grade was 10, you can't get better than that. I'm very happy, especially since attaining the best grade here is made more difficult than in Finland. Hmm hmm.. what else.
Well, we had a movie night on Thursday with Riley and Axel, watched The Holiday. The second time around was not as sad as the first time. If you liked Love Actually or/and Notting Hill, you'll love the Holiday as well! worth to see, def.
On Friday, I had dinner at Rik's place with some friends and later,(after som kinky stories) we went to a jazz bar in the city centre. Yesterday, the final of UEFA under 21 was played in Groningen and Holland won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There was a huge stage at Grote Markt(the main square) and different artist were palying there throughout the day. Armin van Buuren (a famous DJ) played during the night!!!!!!!woah! I've ever liked trance, but this was goooooood. The crowd was wild and yeah, the feeling was so excellent.I'm starting to understand the music. Afterwards, we went with a big group of exchange students to Enzo( a cool club) and I was home around 5 in the morning
The upcoming week will be different. I'm going to Brussels (5h by train) from Thursday to Sunday, looking forward to see Finnish EYP people again and well...the sale in Brussels will not hurt either.Before Brussels, I need to do well on my retake of International Business Law, so keep your fingers(and preferably toes )crossed for me.
Hmmm..writing this entry has taken ages. but well, that's what you get when you don't update regularly, so I don't complain:)
Waiting for less rainy days,
Så morsomme bilder! Det virker som du har det veldig gøy der borte, det er bra! xxxxxxxx
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