la vie d'Anna

Monday, June 11, 2007

My upcoming week

Monday Monday....a brand new week a head. Let's see what's on the programme. ONE lecture (today between 13-15), ONE group meeting Wednesday at 14, ONE Bling-bling party on Saturday.
LOL, as you can see, my week is already now overbooked(as if) But yeah, the highlight of the week is definetly going to be the party of me and Axel. Double A productions proudly presents: Bling-bling Bday party:) The both of us wanted to throw a party while being here and our bdays are first later in the year, so we thought why not celebrating it now:) It's going to be off the hook! I'll give you a detailed description later, our guest(VIP) list at the moment consists of 30 names.

Hmm...there's not that much that has happened. Had an exam on Friday, the questions about the Dutch communication were as special as our professor, but I did write a whopping 10 pages, so I think I should be through the course. On Friday night, me, Axel, Donna and Riley (Satu joined us later) went to the park and had a picnic there with was such a nice atmosphere, almost magical. Me and Satu went to the city centre to meet Mila and her Bulgarian friends. The bar we went to (Shadrak) got first crowded at 3am., very interestng.
On Saturday, it was beach time..and breaking news: I didn't get sunburnt! I think I might have created a personal record, so I should cherish this achievement.
Yesterday, Axel came to my place to write on our Business Ethics paper and afterwards, we did planning for our smashing party.

I do need to confess something....I have started to miss home...not in a heartbreaking, extensive way, but to such extinct that I wouldn't mind seeing my friends, hanging out in Espoo and Helsinki again. We are still planning to do some small trips here in the Netherlands and even within Groningen to make the best out of the last weeks here. The three islands in the North ´should be worth a visit, apparently there's an outdoor swimming pool in the city centre of Groningen, which would be nice to see etc. etc.
I'll also try to do my best while reading for my exams, to go BOMmen and other classes in ACLO, since exercise is good and it needs to match with my chocolate consumption.

Have a sunny week!


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