Hi there!
It has been one unforgettable week. First Jakub visiting me for a day and then Carita for six days. Groningen does not have that many sights, but the ambiance in the city got to be experienced. That's exactly what I feel that I managed to do with my visitors.
First of all, a massive thanks to Vojta, Jakub and Michael for the gorgeous card with pics you had made for me. Such nice pics and memories:)
With Jakub, we went to Sally O'Briens to watch the Champions league final, followed by drinks (2 for 1) in Rumba's patio. After a late breakfast the next day, Jakub and I drove to the train station(or Jakub drove and I sat in the back). I waved Jakub : A bientôt, since I'm going to Prague in July...yay!
Carita arrived an hour later(Thursday, a week ago) I didn't almost recognize her, that tanned skin/bleached hair combo. I guess a month in Mexico and some weeks in Spain did theirs. So our week in short, a bbq party with some young Dutch guys(who behaved like brats), partying a lot in different clubs, one afterparty until 6 o'clock at a Dutch guys house, whose name we never really got right. Visit of the Contemporary Art museum Groninger and participation of an installation that measured our brain waves. We had French dinner at Axel's place on Sunday and on Saturday, we had lamb at Rik's place.
The best part must've been the fact that Carita functioned as my stereo, when sitting on back of my bike and yeah, it was also pretty therapeutic to have someone to analyze life(and guys) with while biking;)
On Tuesday, the day before Carita's departure, we took the train to Amsterdam and spent the day there. We were extremely tired from Monday night's partying in Rumba (2h of sleep is not the ideal basis for a whole day with sightseeing). We stayed over the night in a hostel called "Inner Amsterdam", we shared the room with two American guys from Philadelphia and a girl from Texas. Especially since being tired, I'm not sure whether me and Carita managed to match the guys enthusiasm (especially concerning weed smoking)LOL.
When checking out on Wednesday morning, I bumped into a guy from my business school. He had been on exchange in Canada this spring and was now travelling a bit in Europe. Once again, it's a small world.
On Wednesday, it was time to cut my wayyyyy too long fringe and I put in some highlights as well. In the evening, there was the last theme party of the spring in Rumba: Around the world. People were supposed to dress up according to their countries colours or ttypical outfits. I found a pretty sundress in H&M which was blue and had white dots on it= La Finlande :) Axel was a true Frenchie with moustache (drawn with my eyeliner), cute blue/white stripy hat and a shirt. But still, we didn't win the price for best dressed..damn.
I'll try my best to post some pics, but for some reason I'm not very good in formatting them

BBQ on the roof of one the guys house: Barry, me ,Pascal and Carita
The view from the BBQ spot
A typical Monday night in Rumba , My Business Ethics group, we know how to combine business with pleasure;) Axel, me and Tuna(Turkey)

Me and Carita in Amsterdam, aren't we cute?;)
Btw, my new French house mate has arrived. He lived five days in our kitchen, since he came before the beginning of the month(when he's tenancy agreement started) It was pretty cute, that everytime I was starting to eat something I had cooked, he said: Bon appetit! felt sorry for him, since he had to sleep in the kitchen. But yet again, he knew that his room would be free from the beginning of the month and onwards.
Today there's supposingly a big party in on of the biggest student houses, Van houtenlaan. I guess I'll be going there, I should try to get as many school things done today as possible, so that I can party with good concience. I've been englecting school work a bit(or not only a bit) lately because of my visitors.
I guess this was all for this time. I hope there are still people who read my blog, since I've got lazier and lazier with the updates (thanks Siri for kicking my but now and then;)
Enjoy June!!!