May oh May
Well well, what should I start with. The longer time it goes between entries, the harder it gets to write.
Last weekend was a sailing weekend organised by ESN Erasmus. What a weekend! We went to Sneek (supposingly one of the ten best watersport destinations in the world) on Friday and returned on Sunday evening. During the days we had the opportunity to see Sneek nightlife (been stared at since being foreigners), sail in both very windy and wet conditions and luckily also in more relaxed atmosphere . We had also good food (BBQ etc.) and in the evening of Saturday we had an evening programme, where all the boats had to present something. Our boat won with a Mastercard ad(getting wet: priceless) which came to my mind when I was shivering completely soaked (my underwear included) on the boat with sexy blue lips.
Sailing is really a teamsport, I did enjoy it, but I couldn't imagine to have it as a hobby.
Yesterday was the day for the big football match. I was quite nervous on beforehand, but it wore off soon after the game started. It's all or nothing and after the first half, the score was 0-0
Unfortunatly, the opposing team had a player who run waaaaaay faster than I did, and it was not always an easy job to take the ball from her. So the final score was 2-0. We had another chance next Monday to beat those TBT girls....grrrr. After the football match I went to Riley's place(she's Chines and lives with 12 Dutch students) she had cooked with Donna(Taiwan) a delicious Chinese dinner:) The student house was something I've never seen before, they actually had a real bar there, dim lights and 15 different kinds of alcohol...we sat on bar stools when we had our dinner. If you've lived in such a student house during your studies, you can really say that you've lived a "real" studentlife.
My new period started last week (or on the week before that...time flies) got group work in both courses and they are both going to be time-consuming. Luckily, the topics are interesting and it seems like my groups Business Ethics: Tuna(Turkey) and Axel and Emerging markets(two Dutch guys, me and Axel) are harworking, so it shouldn't be impossible.
I got to know today that Justin(my housemate) leaves for Ireland in June and there comes a 19 year-old French guy to live here for 3 months. He's going to do an internship here. It's weird to think how fast the spring has passed and how the summer is almost here. I do miss somethings and people from Finland( was about time that I admitted that) but I know that I'll be back in a couple of months, which will leave me more than enough time to miss things from Groningen. The grass is always greener on the other side.
Next week, both Jakub and Carita will come and visit me (yay!)Groningen is waiting for you! I just need to figure out where I can get hold of extra bikes.
For those (lucky bastards) of you whose summer has already began: HAVE A SPLENDID TIME, enjoy non-university related stuff and most importantly, RELAX=)
lots and lots of love,